Sunday, June 29, 2008

Waves and I

Dear Ocean, your waves erased my love today
They roared, they soared and took away my love
I was mournful before I was thankful
For I realized later,
Eternal solace of grief is perhaps better than
Ephemeral cycles of love and loveless
Dear Ocean, I hold no grudge against you
Nor do I complain
But tomorrow again, I know I will be mourning
Cursing your waves for what they did
I will come again searching for my love
Even if I find it somewhere
In a figment of my imagination
Like the words in the formless sand
They will wrestle it away from me
And I am thanking you for that
For there is a single grief greater than an impossible dream
To believe that dream
I don't want to believe my dream


Anonymous said...

ocean city le pahilai fuskeko dimaglai jhan dherai dhoka diyo ki k ho????
summer kasto cha

slash09 said...

je bhane ni bhan. Ocean City le dubauna chain naramro sanga dubaayo tero chain ke cha Visako condolences ani Factoryma kaam gardai chas ki ke cha? gas ko bhau badhera economy khaskera ni summer cityma slow cha ghaatai laagyo ni ma aba arko sem transfer Ohio jaadai chu Hiram Colege aru kura online aija garumla