Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lost Battles

When vaunted affection concedes to a daunted will
Clouds of doubt creep in to your summer skies
Its your brain at the end of the day, not the heart
Resisting the temptation of fire; we aren't butterflies
Who doesn't want to walk the extra mile? I do
Who doesn't want to push and give it all?
But who will be there to pick up the pieces?
Once you get shattered, when and not if, you fall
Naivety is not a boon as Ignorance is not a bliss
An Ostrich with its head in sand always risks getting caught
Heed your head & not the heart for wars thrive in the bosom
And some battles you must give up, not every single one can be fought

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shakespearean tragedy

Capsuled hope, taken three times a day
With resignation
After each bout of disappointment
Life is a fatal disease

He asks you to smile; she asks you to laugh
Your confused face distorts somewhere between a laugh and a smile
Forced beyond enforceable
Weighed down by the wreckage of tattered dreams

Deliberation in small joys to help forget bigger sorrows
A delusion everyone is happy to create
Ah life! a chic-flick to the world
A Shakespearean tragedy to yourself

Monday, February 15, 2010

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hi everyone, I am Mr. Happy
Who used to be Mr. Snappy
I was grumpy, I was clumsy
I was whimsically whimsy
I used to be sad, very bad
Now I am not, aren’t you glad?
Today, I even run with the breeze
My clothes don't have any wrinkled crease
I smile now and not just for show
Am perpetually out of my perpetual low
Aren’t you happy that I no longer snap?
If you are, on 1-2-3, clap! clap! clap!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Daffodil

Your petals of youth shall dry up like an autumn well
Your fragrance, ah! heavenly, shall be lost to the wind
Just a harbored cocoon where you shall live forever,
Psychedelic subconscious of this restless mind
You will be the lonely absolute
A sole certainty amidst the chaos around
The tears, the smiles, the sense of gain or loss
Like the rushing world from inside a train
O watchful eyes! and my lookout to the world
You are not my means but the end
My endless end, my daffodil for ages to come
Your petals shall never wither for me
Your fragrance shall never be far away

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happening Dreams

Some dreams we never see, just happen to us
My dream, you flew to me like an albatross
I never thought, you’re who I sought
I never saw you behind the door
You never came in my dreams
But like I said, some dreams just happen to us

Blue skies and green earth, you're the fire in my hearth
I didn’t see the spark, was in the dark far too long
But it’s warm here and I don’t wish to fall asleep
‘Cause there’s more out here than in a child’s dream-world
Some dreams we never see, just happen to us

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eny meny miny mo

Eny meny miny mo!
Catch the devil by the toe
Hit him hard, hit him low
Uppercuts, Counter-punches, land the blow
I hate him, you hate him, show no mercy to the bloodhound
Do all in your reach, kick him, ah!!! the crunching sound
Kick him hard; make him lick his defeat and his wounds
Show him the wrath of mortals, give him some mortal wounds
Eny meny miny mo!
Kill your devil, kill him slowww

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Drop of Dew

Ask me not what I can give
I have given already as much
Ask me not what I have hidden
I didn't hide anything as such
Don't pretend like I am selfish
When all my smiles are named after you
Don't say that I gave you just a piece
I gave the whole me and you don't have a clue
I don't lie, at least when I say I don't
Times and tides may leave your side, I won't
A waiting tide, a still in time
A drop of dew on morning petal
Under your rays, don't tell me I didn't shine
Evaporate this drop of dew, if you still don't believe
I will name my last smile to you and forever take my leave

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Cup of Tea

That cup of tea on my hand
Fingers clasped around it
It felt so real, yet it never was
Is this life less warm because it wasn’t?
Dreams, parallel worlds
You smiled and everything bloomed
Today when I saw you in the mall
You didn’t even look back
So different we were
In that world that we let go
So warm, like that cup of tea
Full of hopes, full of joy
It felt so real, I believed it was
Awakening to my senses now
I feel a deep sense of losing
Something that I never had
An alternate path that I never took
Some warmth into my life that I so much need
Like the cup of tea that we never shared

Billy and his Daddy

Daddy had told Billy, “All humans are equal.”
Yesterday when Daddy was having a quarrel with the neighbor
Billy was writing a sentence over and over again
That Daddy gave to him, a handwriting exercise
“We all love each other.”
Tomorrow Billy will ask, “Why did you yell at him, Daddy?”
And Daddy will look at him, look at him and keep looking
For he will need time to search
An excuse to excuse him from his actions
Just like countless times before
And Billy will get an answer; a mumbled something
He will try to remember it hard,
The same mumbled something
He is going to need it when his son asks

Gutters and the Shoes

Day before yesterday he slipped, he fell, he cursed the gutter, and he walked again
Yesterday again, he slipped and I watched the replay, even his cursing sounded dubbed
When he slipped today as well, I could no longer contain myself
I went to the gutter, squinted my eyes for something,
The gutter wasn’t big
I tried to walk over it the way he did
I didn’t slip, I didn’t fall and I didn’t have to curse at all
I followed the person who slipped, I wanted to know
It was a curious thing, you see; to slip over something that others don’t slip
I caught up to him and I asked him why,
I was bulldozed with his curses
Before he walked away, dragging his mindless feet
Only then I saw the thin sole of his shoes, worn out and just a stretch of rubber
It never was the gutter and never will be
It was, is and will always be the sole of his shoes

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sweet Justice

Hey rotting carcass, horrid corpse!!
Come no closer
Your stench disgusts me
Leave me alone
O culmination of putridity,
You deserve damnation in hell
A thousand years and more
Till you bleed from the wounds
That you inflicted upon others
And the swarms of flies make it
Hard to see your face
And the vileness in your cold, black heart freezes
In the colder depths of hell
Oh yes, how I wish to see that look on your face
The looks that you witnessed in ours
A very long time ago
I wouldn’t flinch out of human pity
You ceased to be a human a long, long time ago

Friday, January 30, 2009


मल्हम लगाने बोहोत आए, दर्द छुपा सीनेमे
जीलो केह्ते हे सब यहाँ, जलन होता हे जीनेमे
सारे आस्मान भर आए, जस्न चले तारोकी
दिलमे फुल नही खिले, ना चली खुस्बु बहारोकी
सारे जगमे सोचा था, एक फूल मेरे नाम लिखा
क्या पता सबकी नसीबमें नही, हर कोई जो दिखा
अब तो दिया बुझाकर रात कटे, अंधेरोमे मुझे खोने दो
ईतना कुछ तो हो गया, बांकी भी तुम होने दो
अंधेरोमें, अकेलेमें दर्द भुलाकर रोने दो

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Story of a Loner

Long, long time ago, before you were born
There lived a loner viewed with contempt and scorn
He was a jolly man once, they say she left him cold
These days he seldom walks out, his house is worn and old
I see him coming out and look far from the porch
During the dead night of winter and during the summer day scorch
I never see him close but I know his eyes were wet
Searching far far away, waiting a long wait that no one else will wait
Wanted to tell him, she wont come, you better go inside
But I never went to his house, never had the chance to confide
Today still I see him, from the dusk to dawn
Existence reduced to insignificance, like a chessboard pawn
Squinting eyes, searching eyes, eyes that want to see
His beloved walking down the street, to be where he wanted her to be
World is not fair, the loner is no wiser, the world mocks him even more
Winters come, summers go; the wounds still remain sore
Maybe some of these days I will go to tell him the truth, knocking in his door
But till then, he stays in his porch, his wounds will still remain sore

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Man is Free

Somewhere in the folds and corners,
A spring came loose, insanity
Haunting and feeding on avarice
Demises, triumph upon a dead city
How sad, sadder, saddest our desires
Tearing down our own house, we hoot for bonfires
Somewhere in the woods, a body hangs from a tree
Chains and shackles were worse enough, now the man is free
Disgusted, retching, I flee from the scene, only the moon was sane
They say pain is the way of life, and repeat again and again
No Pain No Gain
To accept the horrors, they became a part of it
The ones who strove to put an end turned into its heartbeat
Now I am alone, only left, the breed dies with me as well
I rant, I chant just because I ain't got a chance in order to fail
I might have done nothing, I might have become another of them
I might have sold my soul like others, for power and oh! fame
I didn't get to fail, they didn't get to see
I can now pretend to be as holy as I can pretend to be
And say again and again, as if the absolute truth is just me
Chains and shackles were worse enough, now the man is free

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick

Sublime fear, of nothing and everything. The road not taken, the road less traveled. What am I going to choose? Who am I going to be? Echoes, just echoes unanswered. Long time since I wrote a prose, why now? Self-satisfaction? haha. I am a selfish soul. Just like 7 billion others. Don't want to be odd one out. Anyway, here I am, there I write, anything everything, nothing.

Nothing coherent, nothing sticking, nothing new, am no wiser am no fool. A way to kill time. No, its killing me. Yeah, slowly and painlessly. Yet, sometimes, in dark I feel it seeping through while I do nothing. Gnawing into me, like a rat. A clever one. gnawing, sharpening its teeth. Waiting for me to fail, take another misstep and I don't know what will happen then. Maybe a tier below, maybe a downfall steeper. I take my chances still. Habituated. I feel like doing nothing. Just let time kill me slowly slowly. And when it kills me, I know just a few people are going to notice. Again as I said, this is a selfish world. Each has to fight time on his/her own. They barely have time to kill time before it tills them themselves. How can they afford a luxury of noticing me gone? I don't blame them, I cant blame me. I don't want to blame time. It has always been there, announcing its arrival. I wait and wait and wait. Oh!!! the wait is long. I have all the time in world to kill before it kills me.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Frozen teardrops, flakes
Falling and rising, again falling
Ever so softly
All around me
To the rhythm of the wind
Like a billions molecules
Hither and thither
Under the glow of the light
Shining like emeralds
Engulfing me, enshrouding me
And my soul flies with their fall
And dances with their rise
Ever so softly
At that moment, when no one was watching
The frozen, dancing emeralds
Danced and flew just for me
Just for me

Monday, October 27, 2008


Stilled in his clamouring
Dropped during his flight
Like the meteors that plunge
Icarus, now a museum piece
Dismissed by the public
He started off like all dreamers do
There was a time when Icarus flew
Entire world beneath his might
Closer and closer to the Sun
To his culmination before the wax melted
At the height of his zenith
There, my friend, his dream was silenced
Ultimate dream of kissing the Sun
With the turn he never foresaw
Icarus was a fool, the world declares
I disagree, Icarus was a dreamer
Just like you and me who dare to dream
Ambitious dreamer, limitless dreamer
And just a dreamer who dreamt too far
Yet a dreamer who died for his dream
Believe me,
Its the kind of death I am happy to die for

Monday, September 29, 2008


Faces, empty spaces and these formless images
Long stretches of silence amidst countless mazes
White horses, black doves, unorthodox raining
Looking out for familiar things, found myself straining
Careless, carefree; yet I'm tired of walking the road
Riding white horse, I've gone far searching my abode
Flushing heat waves rushing, gushing to my toe
Rush, rush rush; crush, crush, crush till I feel pretty low
Think hard, think right, sit cool and you better sit tight
Stay away from the monster dog, spare a nasty bite
On and on, the road is windy, the horse is getting slow
Flushing heat waves, rushing, gushing to my toe
I strain still, it rains still, the horse is panting as hell
Silence is killing me, go please ring a bell
My abode is calling me, I gotta ride on, Farewell!! to thee
Black doves fly ahead, they will reach there before me
I pant on, I push on, I urge the horse to go
I want to reach there before it stops rushing to my toe

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Of Mice and Men

Finding your place amidst the crowd
I speak soft, they want me loud
Its not me they will be getting
No use later, don't want you regretting
Force me to change and I will not change
Call it whatever, call it "sweet revenge"
Can't seethe like fire and crawl like a mouse
Soon you will be all alone in the house
A mouse that crawls and a human that walks
The mouse will squeak and human will talk
No, never!
I've seen mice and their sad faces as well
As if they are wanting something to tell
Its not the tale of cheese or bread
Its not the tale of shredding a thread
Its surely the somber tell of how,
They became mice but can't escape now
They became mice and can do nothing now

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Waves and I

Dear Ocean, your waves erased my love today
They roared, they soared and took away my love
I was mournful before I was thankful
For I realized later,
Eternal solace of grief is perhaps better than
Ephemeral cycles of love and loveless
Dear Ocean, I hold no grudge against you
Nor do I complain
But tomorrow again, I know I will be mourning
Cursing your waves for what they did
I will come again searching for my love
Even if I find it somewhere
In a figment of my imagination
Like the words in the formless sand
They will wrestle it away from me
And I am thanking you for that
For there is a single grief greater than an impossible dream
To believe that dream
I don't want to believe my dream