Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gutters and the Shoes

Day before yesterday he slipped, he fell, he cursed the gutter, and he walked again
Yesterday again, he slipped and I watched the replay, even his cursing sounded dubbed
When he slipped today as well, I could no longer contain myself
I went to the gutter, squinted my eyes for something,
The gutter wasn’t big
I tried to walk over it the way he did
I didn’t slip, I didn’t fall and I didn’t have to curse at all
I followed the person who slipped, I wanted to know
It was a curious thing, you see; to slip over something that others don’t slip
I caught up to him and I asked him why,
I was bulldozed with his curses
Before he walked away, dragging his mindless feet
Only then I saw the thin sole of his shoes, worn out and just a stretch of rubber
It never was the gutter and never will be
It was, is and will always be the sole of his shoes

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